child custody

Child Custody Law in California

In California, child custody law is said to be “in favor of the child’s best interests.” But what does this mean? Both parents start with equal rights when it comes to custody. Hypothetically, there...
men suffer domestic abuse

Domestic Abuse is Not Just a Male Issue

Domestic abuse is a serious problem that is marked by controlling behaviors that include threats, intimidation tactics, and even violence. American sociologist Michael P. Johnson has called these behaviors “intimate terrorism”. But who are...
San Diego family law attorneys

Is Divorce Contagious?

Recent studies show that a person may be more likely to get a divorce if he or she has a friend who is divorced. While many people fear filing for divorce due to lack...
california legal separation

Legal Separation in California

While divorce is common in the US, it is not always the best option for couples who wish to legally separate. Rather, California offers options for legal separation that do not extend to full-fledged...
san diego "one day" divorce

Reconsider “One-Day Divorces”

Divorce can be a costly endeavor, running from a few thousand dollars for those who have no major disagreements over assets to $25,000 or more for those with significant disputes. Many people try to...

Division of Second Properties

If you are fortunate enough to own a second home, whether it is a rental property or a vacation home, you may be concerned about how that property will be handled in the event...
Mistakes Men Make During Divorce

Mistakes Men Make During Divorce

Divorce is never easy. For both men and women, it can be a daunting, emotional, and scary process. Before jumping into a divorce, it is important to know the typical mistakes men often make...
Cost of Divorce

Cutting the Cost of Divorce

According to a recent survey by CNNMoney, the average divorce costs nearly as much as the average wedding. The survey found that the average wedding costs nearly $30,000, while Huffington Post states the average...