men's rights Custody

Men’s Rights Focus of New Custody Laws

The State of Massachusetts is paving the way for fathers to exercise more rights when it comes to divorce and the relationship with their children. In an attempt to increase paternal presence for children,...
LGBT Parents Custody

LGBT Parents Face Bias in Custody

A new study suggests that LGBT parents may face more bias in court regarding child custody than heterosexual parents. Court decisions tend to favor a heterosexual parent as a choice for custody over a...
Taking care of your health

Taking Care Of You In Divorce

We focus heavily on the legal side of divorce: child custody, child support payments, property settlements and other legal ramifications of the dissolution of a marriage. There is no doubt that these things are...
Child Support and School Fees

School Days and School Fees: Balancing Education

One of the most common arguments between post-divorce partners has to do with the costs of education. Even if your children attend public school, there are always bills to be paid for class trips,...
Involving Police in Divorce

Involving the Police In A Divorce

When violence or other crimes are part of a divorce situation it is a good idea to involve law enforcement. This does not occur in every divorce or even in most separations but when...
retirement and divorce

Making The Most Of Your Retirement

You may not be thinking about retirement while you are going through a divorce at a relatively young age. If you are 35 and contemplating divorce, there is a good chance that retirement is...
Life as a single dad

Life As A Single Dad: Do You Need Help?

While men are just as capable as women of physically taking care of children, in our society men are often not taught child care skills from an early age, while many women are. This...
keeping records

Recordkeeping During A Divorce

Keeping track of spending and writing in a diary are probably the last things you are thinking about if you are going through an emotional divorce. However, keeping good records is essential if you...