common law in california

Is it Safer Not to Marry?

Divorce laws and stories of messy breakups can lead men to wonder:  is it safer not to marry? Some men feel that marriage is an obligation that parents should have to their future children;...

Clint Eastwood’s Wife Files for Divorce

Clint Eastwood has long been seen as one of the original “tough guys,” but his talent as a fighter has not benefited him in marriage.  Eastwood is once again involved in a divorce lawsuit,...

Helping Those Facing Children Leaving the State

When people complete a divorce that involved children and one party is given custody of them, it's not uncommon for that custodial parent to encounter a situation where he or she wants to leave...

crocodile dundee

Divorce Happens… Even to Crocodile Dundee!

Having assets of $20 million and a 23-year marriage cannot prevent you from facing the realities of divorce, as Paul Hogan, star of the Crocodile Dundee movies, is finding out.  His wife, Linda Kozlowski...
rabbi mendel epstein

Orthodox Jews Accused of Torture in Divorce Scandal

A group of ultra-conservative Orthodox Jews has been arrested and charged with kidnap, torture and assault in a case that has caught the world by surprise.  These men were apparently hired to prod husbands...
secret credit cards

Secret Credit Card Spending Ends Marriages

According to news reports, “secret spending” has played a role in at least ten percent of all divorces in the United States in the last ten years.  In a recent poll, more than 70...
same sex divorce san diego

Gay Divorce May Be a Tougher Fight than Marriage

While many gay couples are now celebrating their new ability to formalize their union, reports indicate that divorces now pending for some of the first couples to benefit from same-sex marriages may be fraught...
Steve Nash Lakers

Steve Nash Moves On From California Custody Battle

The Lakers are welcoming Steven Nash back for his second season as he attempts to move on from an extended custody battle with his ex-wife, according to recent reports. Ironically, Nash reversed his position...